
September 18, 2010

Attract And Keep Customers

We Hope We Get Lots Of Customers
Traffic, traffic, traffic and more traffic.  Creating a good flow of traffic is crucial in developing growth in your business.  Just think of it this way, how much growth potential will you have with one customer per month?  Having one customer per month does not mean they will purchase any of your wares.  Although managing one customer per month is relatively easy to do, not much money will come in to pay for your business bills.  One customer per month is fairly easy to do.  If you want an easy business, you need to go to some other website for different information than what you will receive on this blog.  Business is not easy.

How much growth potential will you have with 3,000 customers per month?  How much growth potential will you have with 13,000 customers per month?  The idea is to create an environment in your business model that will attract gobs of people.  What's more, many of the personal ideas you have on how to achieve high traffic flows are not accurate.  They will not develop high traffic activity.  Sorry, but it is true.  Live in your business with this truth.  It will help you develop the 'difficult-to-understand' skills on how to create increasing traffic flows.  Just begin this process by accepting the fact that you do not understand how to increase traffic flows.  This approach will help cause you to consider searching for traffic building ideas more often.

You need to be hungry for ideas and be wide open for ever-changing efforts of trial and error.  Do not be sleepy on this one.  Working to create increased traffic flows is hard work and will add a lot of stress to your limited schedule of important activities for running a business.  But if you fail here, nothing else really matters.  You will not have enough income flowing in to pay for the work you are already doing.  Your stress levels will rise anyhow.  You will just be more broke because of it.  Traffic, traffic, traffic and more traffic will help to isolate you away from broke stress factors.  However, increased traffic will increase your stress levels.  Face it.  The increased money will at least help you to tolerate it.  Do not trick or fake your mind out here.  Easy to miss this one.  Working hard to increase traffic will be a stressful experience that will not go away.  It will be one of those things that come with owning a growing business.

Once you find some components that work in creating traffic flows, you will need to learn how to add energy to your traffic flow.  Energy does not mean buying activity.  Buying activity is the by-product or result of having good energy in your business model.  Energy is also what helps to develop repeat traffic flows.  Adding energy is related closely to developing good 'attraction policies.'

Energetic Crowds Work Best For Volume
It is vital to the growth of your business to not only attract increased traffic flows, but to learn how to retain them as they come to check you out for the first time.  The main question you must examine is how well did the relationship between the first time customer and your business model grow?  How did they connect with your model?  Did they find your model worth returning to visit?  Was their first experience high enough in value to consider another visit?  Did your business model offer more for them to come back to investigate?  If it did not, you may have a business model that works extra hard on bringing them in but not holding them within.  You will eventually loose that game...unless you live in a high transient area where people come and go a lot.  Even so, I recommend that you develop a model that learns how to hold them.  It is less costly to 'cause' them a reason to return.  Pay close attention to the variety of things that will improve the relationships they acquire while they are in your business presence.  You need to 'get it' on this one.  Likely you will not find these kinds of things natural.  You will need to develop them, share them, teach them and cherish them with unending effort.  Do them until they wear you out. Let us call these characteristics, 'attraction policies.'  Let's find out what elements help to create success in your effort to develop 'attraction policies.'

Develop A Long List Of Attraction Policies

Next time, we will discuss a long list of characteristics that produce healthy 'attraction policies.'  

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