
April 6, 2011

Filter Your Business Thoughts.

There are wonderful things that happen when a business leader controls the thinking they do about their business.  It is such a delicate process to control the business mind without restricting the flow of good creativity.  It is vitally important to recognize the difference between these two elements to success.

Most business leaders perform their leadership the way they do because they are driven inside to do what they do.  A business leader has an internal engine running the show.  Most business leaders are constantly thinking about how to do their business better and better.  A good deal of that extra thinking comes from deep inside.  A business leader usually knows what they want to do with their business model.  In fact, a business leader usually knows how they want to do what they think they would like to do with the techniques, methods, procedures, functions and all the decisions their business performs.  Most, if not all, business thoughts are controlled by the business leader.  As it should be.  It is their gig.  The owner has ponied up the money to make a go of it so the thoughts of how it should go should be driven by the one who put the wallet on the table.  Simple.

However, there is one catch to this concept.  Why do most business models struggle financially?  If the business leader is running the business thoughts, how can finance be so hard?

I have had many financial struggles in my business career.  Too many to count.  I have also produced some great monetary success in my business career.  After doing both, I can comfortably express the fact that there is a difference between how a business leader thinks within those two patterns of business thought.  The business thinking that produces the best financial results always requires more 'profitable' filtering of the wide range of business thoughts and ideas a leader produces.  Always.  Filtered thoughts work the best.

To promote filtering of the business thoughts can be a dangerous recommendation, however.  It can be interpreted that in order to introduce the need to filter all business thoughts is to recommend controlling how to place limits on the creative process.  Placing filters on all business thoughts is a difficult one to describe because it might interfere with the needed flow of creativity every business should promote.  Placing filters on all business thoughts can inhibit business creativity, and it does.  The truth remains, all creativity is not good.  Some is and some is not.  As is, all business thoughts are not good.  Some are and some are not.  The tons of business thinking a business leader does produces a gob of wrong thinking that might be carelessly inserted into the business model they perform.  All business thoughts are not always good business thoughts.  Every business thought does not always produce great business results.  Filtering all of those business thoughts is a vital tool which is needed to help produce better financial results.

When my business models experienced better financial results, I can look back to see the increased thinking and the improved filtering that occurred to help the business model win.  Each time it is very clear to see.  There is a distinct difference between the two sets of business filtering results.  Non-filtered business thoughts do not produce as many great financial results as filtered ones do.  Looking back is always a 20/20 view.  Looking forward is never a 20/20 view.  History will prove how well the filters performed when the best financial results occurred.  They go hand in hand.  How do we do this filtering?

I have had too many crazy things happen to me in my business life to refrain from sharing some of them with others.  Some were painful while others were just down right funny.  I can promise every reader that I do not religiously practice filtering my business thoughts.  I do not perform that task very well.  I can also promise every reader that when I do practice improved filtering of my business thoughts, my results improve.  I hate it.

I feel trapped when I need to think so hard before I move with every thought I have about how to perform my business leadership.  It is very hard work and makes me feel like I am imprisoned.  This kind of work is some of the most difficult work my business mind performs.  It is not only hard to do, it is hard to remember to do.  I have done my business thinking for so many years that I 'naturally' respond to my business thoughts.  Many business leaders rely on 'experience instincts' when they do their business thinking.  This is exactly how many business leaders make their business decisions.  Filtering these thoughts is a hard process to adopt.  It places a feeling of being limited.  Business leaders have grown comfortable with producing all of their business decisions based upon how they think and how they feel.  Filtering this process is a lot of extra work.  Business leaders will actually believe they do not have the time to do all of this extra work.  Not true.

What it comes down to is whether or not a business leader wants to improve their financial results.  Filtering business thoughts is a very good leadership practice.  Those who perform this task, this responsibility well, are the ones who produce the best financial results.  Period.

Filtering the thinking of the business mind is an essential process to perform if the business leader wants to produce better financial results.  It is very hard work to screen your thoughts.  It is very hard to remember to screen your thoughts.  It is so much more difficult to refrain from doing what your filtering has determined is not a good thing to do.  This type of business process is very trying.  It will cause the business leader to question how and what they think about in the process of running their business.  It will cause the business leader to make different choices...choices that may not be as comfortable to make.  Filtering your thoughts will not be a fun process.  It is very hard work.  It will challenge the strongest leaders.  It will prevent good leaders from being who they normally are and produce new examples of who they can become.  Filtering business thoughts is a minimum criteria for producing great financial results.

Start working on adding some filters to your daily business thoughts.  Question your thoughts more often.  Try not to act on all of your business thoughts.  Think them through, first.  Think about options to your original thoughts.  Think about who wins and who losses when you do your thinking.  Think about why you think the way you do.  Think about what motivates how you want to do what your business does.  Filter your thinking.  When you accomplish this type of work, watch your numbers improve.

In my case, it was holding my tongue from my fleeting thoughts that produced the best filtering results.  I stop the urge to speak when some issues begin to surface.  Many of the things I previously tried to control did just fine all by themselves.  My tongue usually got in the way of permitting them a chance to mature.  Think before you speak.  Think before you act.  Evaluate why you think the way you do.  All of us practice some forms of limitations with our limited thoughts.  Make sure these thinking limitations do not become part of your business decisions.  Your business finances will thank you.

Until next time...                    

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