
August 25, 2012

To Win In Business...You Need More Bodies!

How do we get more bodies to respond to what we do?  How do we increase the foot traffic?  How do we get that foot traffic to come back once they have arrived?  Foot traffic is website clicks, page view visits and customers coming in the front door of the brick and mortar facility.  To be successful and win big in business, foot traffic is the key.  You need a lot of bodies.

How do we get bodies to increase in our business environment?  What are the steps?

First of all...the traffic that is currently flowing must not be curbed or eliminated.  Do not trim down the foot traffic currently enjoyed.  It is not easy to get customers to frequent your business in the first place.  If some are coming in to hang out right now, leave them alone.  You want bodies to hang out in your place of business.  If you are attracting the wrong set of customers that hang out in your place of business right now, change how you present what you present.  Convert those bodies into larger spenders.  Get creative in the right ways to harness their frequency but adds to your revenue growth.  This can be done with some very strategic thinking.  However, do not get caught up with wrong thoughts and actions that chase bodies away.  They are too hard to attract in the first place.  Keep the ones that are frequenting your business right now.  That is step one.

Second of all...why would customers come into your business in the first place?  Get serious about knowing this answer.  If you struggle with this second step, you do not have clarity about who you are, why you are doing what you do and how to achieve that understanding.  This is the real first step in making your business move towards better growth.  Your business model needs to know who it is, why it is there and what it does to attract who it is trying to gain.  This is marketing 101.  Do not skip this step.  Your ideas about what your business does and who you prefer your business to be, get this understanding down pat.  Know this stuff deeply.  Get clear about this step.  Your business needs to know who it is and it needs to properly express who it is.  Make certain this step is clear.  If you are into science, be scientific.  If you are into retro, be retro.  If you are into antiques, be authentic.  Do not fear being who your business decides to be.  This is step two.

Thirdly...what kinds of things are being done that help other business models attract more customers?  Your competition is winning because it is doing some things better than your model is doing.  Know exactly what those things are.  I am always amused at how often I hear business owners describe how their competition does so many things wrong.  I am also amused at how often I hear business owners describe how their competition is not going to 'hurt' them.  Hog wash!  Competition captures part of your market shares.  Do not place words in my mouth.  I love the free enterprise system of business arrangements.  It is the best system ever designed.  However, it requires competition in order for it to work well.  Too much government control, cartels, monopolies and models that arrange for protected market controls eventually grow up to spell death to the free enterprise system.  Become a great competitor.  Remain solid on the work to improve your competitive growth.  Find out what kinds of things your competitors are doing that shifts your potential customers away from your business.  Get to know why those customers go there instead of frequenting your business model.  This is step three.

Your business needs more bodies.  More bodies offers your business model more chances to gather up increasing revenues.  That is how growth occurs.  Find out what your model needs to do to gain access to attracting more bodies!  This is not rocket science, but an easily forgotten step to success.  Increase the flow of bodies.  Become better skilled at producing more bodies.  Think in terms of consumer activities that fill up your website with 'hits' and 'views'.  Think about how to get your store isles flowing with customer motion.  Learn what it takes to attract more bodies.  The success you manage in this area of your business responsibilities will offer your business model more chances to see increased revenues.  This kind of effect is a very good thing.  It helps you fill up the can that houses your bottom line.

To win in need to attract more bodies.  How do we do that?

The million dollar question was posed on the final line of the previous page.  How do we increase the body flow to our business model?  How do we attract more customers?  How do we increase the consumer interest?  How do we place our business model right smack dab in front of all the customers and where they are going?

This is the 'hat' trick to business success.  We must first learn how to get more bodies to respond to what our business model does.  That is the obvious secret to our potential business success.  Unfortunately, most business owners struggle to make this kind of knowledge happen more often.  Most business models struggle with attracting more bodies to their business model.  They get lost in the effort somewhere along the way.

To win in need to attract more bodies.  How do we do that?

First of all...again...who comes to our business in the first place?  Why do they come here?  What attracts them?  What features does our business provide that has attracted their interest?  Are they telling others about those features?  If not, why not?  What is our business model doing to earn the customers it currently has?  Should we keep that kind of stuff going on?  Know these things.  If you are the business leader, make sure you understand why your customers shop your business right now.  Some might shop it because they have no other reasonable and affordable choices.  Maybe you are the only one who provides their wares in the local region.  Know this stuff.  Get clear about who you attract and why.

I once spent a good deal of time in my career counseling other new business owners.  They were hungry for advice on how to win more often in business.  They were usually new at the business game and had very little experience at leading a business model to success.  Most of them were open to learn more.  It was rewarding being able to help some of them prevent some very bad moves.  Having many 'bad move' experiences in my own business past helped me to share with those new business owners how some of those moves can grow up and hurt the efforts to succeed.  Using my own bloody nose experiences came in very handy.

During this time when I was counseling those new business owners I discovered something very telling.  Most of those business leaders had placed limitations upon how much they were going to allow themselves to learn.  When the learning process exceeded their own set of previous knowledge, understanding and experience...they stopped.  They did not go past what they already knew.  They only confirmed the teaching that was being done if it 'fit' well with what they already believed and understood.  They used the teaching as a reminder tool, instead of a learning tool.  Most business leaders have this affliction.  They are willing to learn more as long as it relates to what they already know.  This is exactly why most business leaders remain stuck in the set of results they already produce.  They truly refrain from learning more about what they do not already know.

This is likely the most damaging anchor in the mind of growth for most business leaders.  Most do not step beyond the information that they already know to be true.  They are not willing to risk seeing what they do not understand.  They do not feel comfortable reaching beyond what they feel comfortable doing.  Most business leaders remain doing what feels comfortable for them to do.  They give up growth, success and many other great opportunities at the expense of remaining safe in their comfort zones of known things.  They will actually lie to themselves to remain in that position.  Getting new knowledge is a very uncomfortable act.  It is very disturbing to most business leaders.

To win in need to attract more bodies.  How do we do that?

We move away from sticking close to the things we already know and move closer to the things we do not know.  That's how.

We get uncomfortable about doing new things.  We build more character by doing some things we do not believe in, do not understand nor have any experiences doing.  We test new grounds.  We test new ideas.  We test new theories.  We test new ideologies.  We test new methods.  We hire different people.  We share less and absorb more.  We go where we are uncomfortable going.  We do what we are not comfortable in doing.  We examine things we never thought possible to examine.  That is how we attract more bodies to our business models.  We move completely away from what we are currently doing.  We try new stuff.

If you lead a business model you may be getting very uncomfortable with this kind of business suggestion.  This feeling is completely normal, by the way.  Any suggestion to do what is not understood is a suggestion that feels very uncomfortable.  That is normal stuff.  We all get that.

However, to change how we are doing what we are doing to attract who we are currently attracting requires doing some things very differently.  Doing some things very differently brings with it some very good business lessons.  Those lessons teach us how to do what we need to be doing to gain new customers to fill up our increasing body demands.  To gain more consumer body support requires learning new stuff that we are not currently doing.  That means we must try something new.  We must get uncomfortable for a little while.  We must begin doing things we do not understand.  That is how we begin moving towards building more bodies to respond.  We begin doing what we do not know, understand or believe.

We grow our own minds first.  Build it and they will come.  We just do not understand completely how that is done.

Until next time...

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