
October 30, 2010

Is My Business Boring?

Does Your Business Look Something Like This?
When was the last time you walked about your business to take a scrutinizing look around?  What did you see?  Did you see tired employees?  Did you see worn out carpeting?  Did you see badly stained walls?  Did you see terrible restroom facilities?  Did you see a boring set of website photos?  Did you see unexciting word sets in your descriptions online?  What did you see?

Were your retail isles well defined?  Is your store front inviting?  Were your signs and price labels current, fresh and professional?  Was your display material on the web balanced, coordinated and does it deliver the necessary sets of continuity for your business?  Take a good look around.  Make a serious effort to find the tired portions of your business efforts.  Be critical of what you see.  Be critical of how you witness what you look like.
Add Exciting Photos To Your Site
Do you need new material on your web page?  Do you need new subject matters that your website delivers?  Do you need guest appearances on your website?  Do you need a new product line in your store?  Do you need to introduce a new service your business supplies?  Take a fresh look at what you might be able to do to add new interest to what you are already doing.

Attack the corners of boredom your business has come to accept.  Give your staff and personnel something they can get excited about.  More importantly, give your customers something they can get excited about.

Is your business boring?

Do you have sales representatives with your product lines?  Engage them by suggesting they come up with a promotional idea for their products in your store.  Maybe they can arrange for a continuing education presentation put on by a small local agency that allows some of your customers to gain needed credits and knowledge in particular areas you supply products they need.  It could be insurance agents attending the presentation for needed continuing education credits that you supply glass for installers of properly repaired auto glass.  Offer food, lessons supplied by your field representatives, coupons and promotional well as needed course credits.  You can do the same thing for animal nutrition in pet stores, farm stores, and veterinary offices.  You can use extension agent offices in nurseries, feed stores, farm supplies, sustainable craft supplies and home making products or cooking supplies.  Get creative and add life to your business model.  It is always better to do these types of things on site so the participants you draw in have a chance to mill around the store you own.

One of the best ways to get your business excited is for you to get excited.

You need to take a break and go do something exciting.  What do you like to do?  Do you like to sleep in and have not done that for a very long time?  Then set a date, sleep in.  Make a pressed cup of coffee when you get up and hang out in your robe.

Do you like to shop?  Set a date aside and go plan a shopping trip with a good friend.  Take some cash for treats and things.  Undo what you have not been doing.

If you create some kind of art and have not been able to do it for a very long time, go make a great setting for you to do one day of art.  Get crazy with the setting, too.  Make it look like a setting a famous artist might work around.  Unwind.  Untethered days will be your goal!  Step out and become free of all the 'must' do's your life has become.  Go have some exciting fun.  It is your turn.

When you return, you might see your business in a slightly different way.  It is like taking a mini vacation.  When you take miniature moments like this you will learn how to keep your mind fresh instead of stressed.

Your business-look will eventually improve.  It will not easily slip into some form of boredom.

Go do something different next week.  Go have fun. 

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