
May 21, 2011

Try A Bright Idea For Marketing!

Once in awhile some social conditions come along and become big winners for the marketing department.  The world is very busy right now becoming conscious of 'green stuff' living efforts.  The trend to become 'green' is a hot trend.  In fact, I see a few marketing efforts coming from some companies that stress how 'green' their efforts are yet the only thing 'green' in the promotion is the word 'green.'  A lot of marketing departments have learned how to capitalize on the 'green' movement of the consumer.

Sometimes I like the idea to go the other way.  I have a bit of a maverick streak inside the make-up of my mental characteristics.  At times, that kind of maverick personality gets me into trouble.  However, I like promoting it once in awhile.  Occasionally, being a little bit of a maverick helps provide a good idea to use in bringing out some good marketing attention.  Sometimes the general public has the same strain of maverick in their own souls.  If the timing and subject is 'right' a business can capitalize nicely by being a little bit of a maverick.

I think every business is standing at one of those junctions right now.  A maverick opportunity is waiting for someone to jump aboard and move in the opposite direction.  If your business needs to promote some attention and create some traffic increases, as well as new sales, your maverick opportunity is waiting for you to stir it up a little bit.

I also like marketing opportunities that become available for any type of business to participate.  Sometimes an opportunity arrives that lends well for any type of business model to participate.  Those are usually the type of rare opportunities that can provide a lot of attention or revenues.  The 'green' movement for example is a movement that allows everyone an opportunity to step in line.  Even a real estate company can participate by listing properties in different classes of energy saving categories.  A hair dresser can participate by recycling hair for wig companies that donate to cancer victims.  An auto body repair shop can participate by recycling oils and introduce earth-friendly techniques and materials.  A website for leather boots can participate by using recycled boxes.  The opportunities are endless.  I suggest every business get in line with what they can use to make this type of marketing work well for their business model.

I also think the time is 'right' for going the other way.  I think every American business model right now has the opportunity to market in the opposite direction of the 'green' movement and become very successful immediately.  I think this is a bright idea.

Go buy up several cases of incandescent light bulbs and use them as a give away or a low priced promotion to sell to the thousands of irritated home owners who cannot believe they will no longer be able to buy these light bulbs anymore!  Hundreds of thousands of people are very stressed out about the idea that the American law will no longer allow the manufacturers of lights bulbs to produce incandescent light bulbs beginning on January 1 of 2012.  These irritated customers have become so wrapped up with the madness in the discovery that the new light bulbs will cost a ton more than the ones they have been using for decades.  They have not discovered how to 'stock-up' their own shelves to prevent paying so much when the new bulbs hit the shelves.

Give a small packet of eight bulbs away with every purchase of a custom paint job.  Buy a ton of bulbs and place them on a pallet in the entryway of your store with a sign that tells the customers that they should 'stock-up' to avoid the future high cost bulbs coming and with every dollar they spend, you will donate ten cents to help the local schools become more green in their facilities.  Now you are doubling your maverick abilities!  I convinced my boss to bring in a bundle of incandescent light bulbs and display them as a lost breed.  We sold out in two days.  We ordered three more pallets.  We will do it again.

The general public has a stream of thought that sometimes joins together in a unison way.  It is often difficult to recognize when, where and how that occurs.  Trust me, this is one of those times when the general public is all on the same page.  Not a lot of businesses are capitalizing on this general public emotional link.  These are usually hidden gold mines.  Quit worrying about being non-green for the next few months.  Link the effort with a green slant if that helps your mind to get over your marketing hang-ups.  The public is irritated right now over the laws that drive this product policy change.  That general public will revolt by buying as many as they can store.  Get going before the wave comes to an end.

Even if you are not part of the selling package that normally handles light bulbs, you can participate in this temporary public movement.  You can offer free packages or cases to anyone buying a new watch, a new diamond bracelet, a set of tires, a new flat screen, a new barbecue, a rental car or even a new recliner.  Give a small description, simple as you can, that is posted next to your offer or inside the copy of your advertisement that describes how these light bulbs will be no longer available at the first of the year!  Show what the new prices for light bulbs will be!  They are introducing the replacement bulbs at as much as 100 times more costly.  This type of automatic and expensive mandate to the consumer causes them to want to go the other way.  Get in line with this short term movement and win big.  What are you waiting for?

Figure out how you can link your business up with this type of consumer wave.  You will benefit from the effort.  It is and will be a short window of opportunity.  Come fall, everyone will be doing some kind of move to get this going.  You are all alone right now, which makes it more profitable to do.  This is one of those marketing efforts that require you to be at the front edge to be successful.  Get going.

One of the things that plays into this movement is that you must consider how the producers will react to the production line of this product.  Will the GE's and the Phillips companies cut back their production of these type of light bulbs in early fall?  The supply may dwindle sooner than you prefer.  These companies do not want large inventories they know they cannot legally sell.  They will want to walk out of this change with no inventory on their shelves.  The supplies may not last until January first!  Get going.

If you become accustomed to walking by great marketing opportunities, you will never learn how to generate large traffic flows.  A good business understands how to promote, promote and promote.  Get going.

Until next time...

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