
July 24, 2011

When You Go Fishing, Tighten Up Your Marketing Line.

How many big ideas do you have right now?  Are you thinking of one right now?  Do you have a couple that intrigue you?  Do you have so many cooking in your mind that you do not know which one to start first?

Big ideas are the ones that produce the best results.  They become the flashes of increased activity that fill the trough up for awhile.  Some big ideas make you go build more troughs to hold all of the new activity.  Big ideas are the part of your business model that make you stand out in the crowd.  If your business model does not successfully stand out in the crowd, you do not have a big business.  What becomes your claim to fame?  What do your customers see you are?  Big ideas help make that kind of thing happen.  Your customers recognize who you are by the ideas you were able to pull off.  If you do not have any big ideas, your business model is running very quiet.

Marketing your business model for success requires that you learn how to go fishing better.  You need to go fishing for more customers.  You need to learn how to attract the fish to your line of activity.  Customers swim in bait infested waters.  The amount of bait they must see every day is overwhelming.  Customers are 'hit' with marketing messages constantly.  Sometimes the customer finds you by accident.  Finding your business model should not be one of their accidents.

Customers like to go where the ideas are the best.  Customers hate bad ideas.  Customers hate bad ideas that do not help them do what they want to do.  Customers will actually disappear when the bad ideas become something that produces results they hate to see.  When you go fishing, remember these things.  These things should be in your tackle box.

I have done quite a bit of fishing in my life.  I am not an avid fisherman but I have fished in seven states and three countries.  I have fished deep sea, large rivers, small streams and various lakes and ponds.  I think fishing is fun.  I sometimes fish for the company I am with.  Other times I fish because I like the 'break' I get from the outing event.  Sometimes I fish for the challenge it provides.  Sometimes I enjoy wandering about the streams checking everything out that is some place beautiful where nobody else walks.  The sounds, the wildlife, the wonderful sweet smells, the sunlight sipping through the trees once in awhile and the pureness of mother nature all come together to produce a heavenly place to be.  I enjoy fishing.  It becomes so much more rewarding when you 'get one on.'  I love the surprise of a sudden 'hit' and the 'wiggling' begins.  In a fast moving beautiful stream, it does not get much better than that.  That 'feeling' is a total rush.

I feel the same way when I see this kind of similar thing happen to a business.  When I see a business make the proper arrangements to tighten up their marketing lines I get excited when their results begin to improve.  A business model who finds the right bait in the right water with the right fish at the right time produces a wonderful rush nobody can describe.  The checkbook swells with the activity of the excitement.  When a business finds this kind of success, it usually means they are successfully fishing for more customers.  It means they have learned how to turn their big ideas into a better tightened plan of attack.  When they go fishing, they have learned how to tighten their marketing line.

You do not need a boat.  You do not even need to own a fishing pole.  I have never owned a boat and currently, I have a broken fishing pole.  I do not consider those obstacles any reason for keeping me away from fishing.  Big ideas do not need a boat to survive.  Big ideas do not even need you to own them.  Big ideas only need you to decide to make them happen.  Big ideas are waiting for you to tighten up the 'do it' line so they can become part of your business model.  Learn how to go fishing.

When you go fishing, tighten up your marketing line.

I am not good at fly fishing.  I have gone fly fishing quite a few times.  It is an art I do not have the time to develop.  However, some of the best 'hits' I have ever felt from the 'strikes' a big fish has delivered to my fishing line have come from fly fishing.  Talk about strikes, wow.  If you want to feel a totally hard rush, that is one of them.  I have seen and felt the huge jerk on my line when a huge brown come out of the water in a Montana stream that 'hit' my line so hard I almost fell in.  Talk about a total rush, wow.  I can still see and feel it today.  What a memory!

Your marketing should provide you with the same kind of memories.  If it does not, you ain't fishing in your business model.  I am not an avid fisherman but I have experienced many 'hits' like the one in Montana.  Some were found in the ocean.  Some were found on the Columbia River.  Some were found near Reno, Nevada.  Some were found in Alaska.  Some were found in Mexico.  Some were found in Canada.  The point is, you need to learn how to go fishing a little bit.  You need to learn how to go 'marketing' a little bit.  You need to get out of your comfortable chair and go develop some big ideas.

Big ideas are the brain child of good marketing results.  Turn on your mind and allow it to wander about in space long enough to become unhooked from reason for a little while.  Reason sometimes gets too rational.  If your mind becomes too rational, you might not say yes to an invite from a fly fisherman you know who wants you to travel with him to Montana to go fishing for a weekend.  For goodness sake, say yes to the invite.  Quit worrying about how you do not have a fishing pole for that kind of trip.  Quit worrying about how you do not have a Montana fishing license.  Quit worrying about how you do not know how to fly fish.  Quit worrying about how your family will perceive you taking this trip.  For goodness sakes, go fishing in Montana.  Kill the rational series of thinking that occurs.  It is a big idea and needs you to tighten it up so you will do it.  Tighten it up.  Say, "Yes...when are we going?"

All of the other details will be able to be worked out in due time.  Trust me.  The details will follow.  The decision to go fishing is the most important first step.  This is the same truth that surrounds how you market your business model.  The decision to produce some big ideas is waiting for you to make it.  All you need to do is make the decision to produce some big ideas.  The other stuff will follow just fine.  Decide to make big decisions.  Decide to go fishing in your business model.  Come on, you can do it.

Quit waiting for customers to come around.  Go get them.  Start developing some big ideas.  Throw them into the water and tighten up your marketing lines.  See what happens.  A good business 'strike' is a very good thing to have happen.  What's more, those kinds of business 'strikes' do not happen to people who are going home each night to rest in their 'easy' chair.  Large customers do not 'strike' loose and lazy fishing lines floating down a river stream.  Large customers 'rip into' well planted bait and tightened marketing lines when the person on the other end of the pole is waiting to see what kind of excitement they can create.  That is when fishing creates great memories!  That is when marketing produces the best results.

Learn how to go fishing.  Get some really good bait, find some really big ideas.  Pick one of those big ideas and tighten up your line.  See if it produces a really 'cool' strike!

Go fishing, tighten up your marketing line.

Until next time...          

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