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PUFF Will Work 24/7 |
Under-Estimate your contribution to success.
Find the ideas that work well.
Fix the ones that produce poor results.
P.U.F.F. PUFF the 'magic dragon' should live by your business model. Every single day you should have this 'magic dragon' employed full time working on everything from crackling background noises on your telephones to an old curled up floor mat on the floor showing its wear as its frayed edges begin to trip those who walk by. Your daily maintenance actions will become a process that will work like invisible magic. This kind of dragon is a serious dragon to employ. You need him at work every single day. He does not need to take any vacations. He is encouraged to work overtime. If you do not have this dragon on your staff, go find him. He will do the most magical things to help your model perform better. You can live without him, just fine in most cases. However, you can perform much better with him circling your business model like a silent policeman on a magical mission. PUFF can become a big part of your X-Factor competitive edge. He can become your best non-paid employee.
You begin to put PUFF to work in one single way. He is easy to hire. He will cost you nothing in employment costs, in fact, you are already paying for his presence. Every time you make out your payroll checks to your staff and yourself, you pay him. The only difference between his presence or absence is whether or not you and your staff allow him to become part of your daily routine at work. You are already paying him to be there. He is either working or not. You are the leader. You decide whether he works or not. It is strictly your decision to employ him to sit around and do nothing or get busy at working his magic.
You are the leader who begins his magical work. PUFF shows up when you show up.
It is extremely rare to find PUFF at work in your business model if you do not put him to work on a daily basis. It is almost non-existent. PUFF does not magically appear until you bring him out. He only magically performs after you make him appear. He is unique in his employment habits. He works when you work him and rests when you ignore him. The magic of his results will only come from the stuff he does when he is working. He produces no magical results while he is not working. PUFF is the 'magic dragon.'
How do we put PUFF to work? Since he is already there and we already pay him, how do we get him to do his magical work? We start by getting out of the 'positional' leadership role and begin to practice leadership by 'example.' PUFF does not appear on his own. The leader must begin his working world by setting the 'example.' PUFF only appears when the 'example' is set by the business leader. If the business leader does not set the example, PUFF gets paid for doing nothing. PUFF gets to show up every single day and earn his keep by sitting around being invisible. A lot of business models have invisible PUFF's sitting around getting paid and doing nothing. I do not even need to be a part of those models and I see it clearly when I do business with some of them. PUFF is getting paid and nothing is getting done. It is amazing how invisible PUFF can become to those who lead their business models. They have not learned how magical PUFF can be. Their leadership operates in the dark. They cannot see PUFF getting paid by doing no work. His magic is void.
How do we put PUFF to work?
Prop up your business leadership. If you are a 'positional' leader you need to stop practicing it. It sucks big time in this day and age. You only believe it contributes to your success. You are also the only one who believes that fairy tale. Get out of your 'boss' desk once in awhile and go empty the garbage. It will amaze you how strong your true leadership will become from that simple little move. If you have telephones that constantly fail to work properly, go ask the staff how you should get them fixed. The first one who offers a solution wins. Do exactly what they suggest. Do not modify their suggestion. Go with it 100%. Set the example by being a leader who offers trust to someone's ideas. Prop up your business leadership. Every time you prop your leadership up with great personal examples, you begin to employ PUFF. PUFF now begins to do his magical work. Your efforts to employ PUFF begin here. It begins when you become a leader who sets the right examples. You and only you can make this happen. PUFF's magic will appear when you appear. In one sense, it is all about you. In another perspective, it is all about everything other than you. Your next big step is to ignore how great you are! Under-Estimate your contribution to success.
When you set the example and empty the garbage once in awhile, you put PUFF to work. When you quit puffing yourself up as the great leader who is the reason why your model works so well, you begin to ensure that PUFF stays at work. Under-Estimate your contribution to success. Get over yourself. You are not the king of the mountain. You are not the lead singer. You are not the big kahuna. You are not the great business owner. You are the person who helps all of the others become the big stars of the business show. You need to learn how to become the invisible one in the background. Your leadership will increase when your staff and leaders become the stars. When you perform your leadership well, they will earn and receive the best and most worthwhile credits. Your business model will be smoking hot when that happens. Your competition will have a difficult time keeping up with the pace of your business success. PUFF will be delivering too much magic for them to over come. PUFF will begin earning his keep. The 'magic dragon' has appeared. He is in the building and working his magic. Once you get these first two steps understood and fully employed you can now introduce some good ideas. Your introductions will become food for the 'magic dragon' to enjoy. PUFF has a specific diet that he likes to enjoy. PUFF loves good ideas. He feeds on them. He will eat them up like magic. He will finish one meal after another if you keep the food coming. PUFF can eat more than you can dish out. He is a 'magic dragon.'
Find the ideas that work well. Get as much food on PUFF's table as you can muster up. One thing must be understood here, however, PUFF will not eat a thing until you complete the first two steps above. He will refuse to eat any good ideas until those steps are completed. PUFF is a 'magic dragon' that knows when you are trying to get him to work using short cuts. He will magically take home his pay every single day but will not produce any work until you follow the correct steps. PUFF will prove to you how serious he is about showing up to do his work. He will hold out until you give in. PUFF will become your worst employee if you do not give in. The problem with that arrangement is that you cannot fire him. You cannot get rid of him. You are stuck permanently paying him for doing nothing or employing him to perform his magic. It is strictly your choice. PUFF will wait forever if that is what it takes. He is a 'magic dragon.'
Find the ideas that work well. Introduce them when you get the first two steps secured. Allow PUFF to do his work. Allow PUFF to perform his magic. Your business model will love you for it. Your competition will not enjoy PUFF's presence. Darn, that's too bad.
Not all ideas work out well. When they do not work out well, introduce more of them. A bad idea is not a signal that you should not introduce good ideas. A bad idea is a signal that you introduced a bad idea. That is all it is. Keep on introducing new and better ideas. Increase the pace for introducing new ideas. Make this process a serious habit. Keep moving. Do not stand still and wait for customers to come in. Go create more ways to bring them in. Get going. Quit waiting. Get out of the habit of waiting. If you show up to work and find yourself waiting for customers to enter your business model, you are going about it all wrong. Change your daily habits. You should show up to work every single day looking for new and exciting ways to build more traffic. If PUFF is working, too, your staff will help you engage the best ideas. Your staff will help filter out the ideas that did not look good. PUFF at work doing his work will be like employing a sense of magic. Your best ideas will fly well and the worst ones will get removed. Fix the ones that produce poor results. Your staff will become better at fixing the ideas that produce the worst results. Help them fix those bad ideas.
Learn how to let go of bad ideas. Learn how to remove the ugly stuff your business model does. Learn how to make sure PUFF is working overtime on this one. Ideas do not come from a 9 to 5 working process. Good ideas come form someone seeing something away from their place of work and mentally visualizing how it can work for your business model. Most good ideas are the by-product of working mental overtime. PUFF will work his magic at all hours of the day if you let him. You only need to pay him regular hours to do that kind of work. This is when your business model makes it difficult for your competition to compete. This is when PUFF does his best work. This is when PUFF performs his best magic. He is a 'magic dragon.'
PUFF the 'magic dragon.' Get him out of his lazy chair and put him directly to work. Allow PUFF to do what PUFF can and wants to do. Learn how to make sure PUFF earns his pay. He is a 'magic dragon.'
Until next time...
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