
June 24, 2012

Poverty Is An Amazing Thing.

Poverty is an amazing process.  It can operate in the world of finance as well as in the world of leadership.  Poverty is not always defined by the lack of money.  It can be defined by the lack of integrity.  It can be defined by the lack of character.  Poverty suggests that some areas of life are inadequate.  It is usually linked to finances but it can also easily connect to our leadership patterns.  Neediness and destitution can surface in how we operate our leadership ways.  Poverty does not always show up in our checkbooks.  It can appear in our life patterns of poor leadership.  That is what makes poverty such an amazing process.

When we watch business leaders do their work we do not always think in terms of poverty as they perform their duties.  We know when they operate well and we know when they do not.  Sometimes it is not easy to define how they function but we can see their results.  It is in the results that their methods eventually reveal how well they are doing.  If they are good operators, good leaders, their models usually reflect that goodness with favorable financials.  If they are not good operators and their leadership ways are challenged beyond what they have the capacity to manage, their numbers will tell the tale.  It is in the numbers that most leaders will find how well they do with their leadership patterns.  The numbers will not lie.  People do, but the numbers do not.

Poverty has another great mystery attached to its life.  It has the wonderful ability to hide from its owner.  The owner of poverty usually does not consider themselves as being poor.  Indigence is always a deceitful process.  The qualities of indigence have the ability to hide from its owner.  It can be sufficiently seen by others, usually outsiders, well before the owner recognizes where it lands.  Most who live in poverty can feel it, but at the same time most do not recognize how it works.  The functions of poverty are easily ignored by the holder.  Bad habits tend to disguise how it works.  In the end, poverty will sting.  It stings the lifestyle of the holder.  It stings the character of the holder.  It stings the intelligence of the holder.  It stings the creativity of the holder.  Poverty robs the holder of the ability to function in a higher level of performance patterns.  The holder of poverty will compromise their ways.  Poverty will limit the work they do on protecting their higher levels of integrity.  Compromise will be the turn of the day.  These patterns will become part of the habits a business leader will learn to protect.  The question then comes to mind, when will compromised integrity sting?

The answer: it already has.  That is why integrity becomes compromised.  The sting of poverty has already set in.

Poverty has taken over.  Poverty is rooted deep enough to dominate how the business leader functions.  Poverty has developed its habit methods of unwanted patterns that many do not recognize and work so hard to protect.  Poverty mind work is a debilitating process.  It is an amazing thing to witness.  It is an amazing thing to discover.  It is an amazing thing to overcome.  Poverty leads to the idea of compromise.  It leads to the idea that integrity has no limits.  It leads to the idea that bad judgement, bad decisions and compromised integrity are part of the contemporary ways that must be practiced freely and endured.  Poverty allows hard lines of integrity to quietly and magically disappear.  Poverty allows the holder to justify the results at the expense of compromising what integrity could bring.  Poverty is an amazing thing.

The condition of poverty is always a temporary condition.  It only becomes permanent when the holder loses sight of how to prevent what poverty brings.  We measure poverty by means of wealth, riches and plenty.  However, poverty can occur in the spirit as well.  Some people suffer from impoverished attitudes.  Some people suffer from impoverished human relationships.  Some people suffer from shaky leadership values.  Some people suffer from impoverished leadership styles.  Those who suffer in these ways are the ones who never seem to get their business models functioning properly.  They miss out of the production of consistent profits and fair returns.  Their financial positions reflect their impoverished ways.  Only they do not see how this pattern really works.  That is what makes poverty so amazing.  The holder usually does not see how it works.  Poverty is an amazing thing.

Insufficiency of leadership qualities is a problematic subject.  Most who have the deficiency are usually the same ones who do not believe they have a deficiency.  They become the ones most stricken with poverty in leadership.  They are also the ones who strongly believe they are not stricken.  The desirable things that need to be done are some of the more silent plagues business leaders do not fully comprehend.  The bottom line of most business models has a library of these little things interfering with the overall effort to report good, healthy and profitable results.  When integrity is violated, justified to be excused and likewise processed along incorrectly it eventually ends up showing on the bottom line in a very disguised but disturbing way.  Most business leaders fail to fully comprehend this nearly invisible effect.  Poverty in leadership qualities is an amazing thing.

Penury is often times very slippery to identify.  Most business leaders do not immediately recognize how their weakness in pure leadership traits negatively affects the bottom line of their business outcomes.  Failed leadership qualities are part of the impoverished ways a failed business model quietly functions.  When the soil of leadership is tainted with unwanted weeds, the production of healthy profits is compromised terribly.  Identifying this effect is one of the most slippery parts of measuring where poor results can be corrected.  Poverty is an amazing thing.

Efforts to stamp out this kind of effect are hampered by the quiet mind set that supports poverty mentality.  A business leader who wants to work on improving their bottom line must first endure the required work that helps them find more ways to support integrity policies with their leadership patterns and decision-making methods.  The ones who learn how to do this kind of work best are the same ones who find better results appear more often in their business model bottom lines.  There is no mystery to this effect.  Unfortunately, too many business leaders have to much poverty mentality that reduces their ability to understand the importance of this kind of work.  In the end, they wind up working on only the carnal stuff, the logic and financial statement of numbers to make their deepest and most important business decisions.  They learn how to fall prey to the work of using money matters to make their most crucial business decisions.  This is exactly where the poverty mentality would love business leaders to be.  Poverty is an amazing thing.

I am plagued by this very same process. I am a business leader who works on the suffering ways poverty works.  Poverty in style, poverty in leadership and poverty in decision-making are some of the subtle ways a business leader holds back the greatness that could be occurring on the bottom line of their business model.  This is where poverty can become one of the most amazing things a business leader can produce, witness and protect.  Great business leaders fully comprehend this kind of challenge.  They are the ones who find their way around the amazing stuff poverty provides.  These kinds of quality leaders are the ones who admit they have the challenge and work to manage the affliction.  They are the ones who pay closer attention to how strongly this pattern of business leadership chips away at the values, the integrity and the process for doing the right things, instead of compromising by doing the economic thing.

Work harder on identifying this kind of leadership flaw.  It is deceitful.  It can operate with a great deal of stealth behavior.  It can become impoverished without knowing.  It can become a needed pattern that supports too much compromise.  It can eventually erode the business process for producing a fair and favorable bottom line.  It can plague the best leaders in the most quiet ways.  It can hide itself from awareness.  It can offer them wonderful excuses to easily justify.  It can destroy any hope to produce a long term pattern of ending each year with favorable bottom line results.

Integrity, values and good common sense can become so easily compromised when poverty mentality takes over.  The effect is quiet, unassuming, dominating and amazing to witness.  Poverty is an amazing thing.  As in this case of study, poverty mentality is not always about money.  Poverty is all about quietly supporting the logic behind the process of indigent thinking.  Poverty mentality does not support hallmark creativity nor does it support ingenious patterns of wonderful decision-making procedures.

Poverty is an amazing thing.  When we get so consumed about chasing the money we become overwhelmed by that process enough that we can begin to ignore how to chase our values.  Once we replace the good work we need to do to protect our values and integrity-minded ways, we compromise our leadership patterns and begin to honor how we chase the money in the wrong ways money works.  When "economical only" considerations dominate how we need to move, we have already lost.  This is usually the place where our fist signs of poverty mentality appear.  The question then comes back to mind, when will compromised integrity sting?  The answer again: it already has.  A leader who is trying to 'fix' a rotten bottom line is likely the leader who is already impoverished in leadership ways.  Only the numbers fail to lie about it.  Poverty is an amazing thing.

Until next time...

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