
August 20, 2012

Success Is Personal And Particular

I see it everywhere.  Soft success.  Soft losing.  Forever trying to improve the bottom line.  Ups and downs that plague the business models as they try hard to improve their success quotients.  Energy wasted.  Energies expelled.  Wrong thoughts, wrong doings and wrong efforts.  Misguided plans.  Interrupted strategies.  Tons of business models trying to find their way through the menagerie of challenges to produce better results.  I see it everywhere.

Maybe you are leading one of these trying business models.  You might be one of those business leaders working your plans to better your bottom line.  The more you seem to give effort to those improvement plans the more that bottom line of success seems to escape your grasp.  The circumstances outweigh the possibilities.  You get caught up in the jungle of distractions and the goodness you planned for the winning you wanted is thwarted again at every corner of try.  Solid success becomes fleeting.  Solid success becomes frustrating.

If this is true and where your business model is resting, right now, do not become discouraged.  You are not alone.  Your efforts are just delayed.  They are not futile and completely expelled.  They may be worn out, but not dead.  There are millions of business owners facing these realities, just like this, in their own little worlds.  Unfortunately, you cannot see them because they are not wearing these truths on their outer sleeves.  They have become masters at deception.  They are very good at hiding what is not working well.  This is the gut honest truth about small business leaders.  They are directly wired to refrain from exposing their deepest plights.  They run comfortably on denial.  I know, I have been one of them for many years.  You cannot fool a masterful deceiver.

If you are trying desperately to work your business model into a winning series of good results with the frenzy of excitement and growing production, you are working in the right direction.  If you are not feeling this desire, you may be losing ground on the components required to sustain success in a healthier fashion.  You may be one of those millions of business owners who has lost their way.  You may be going to your place of business every single day doing the things that will not help your dreams come true.  At best, you may be managing soft success.  In reality, you may be managing losing battles that are finding their common way around and through the halls of your business model.  Your efforts to eradicate these troubling results have become the dominate ways that govern how you deal with the daily routine of managing what you are faced to manage.  Your rotten circumstances keep showing up to wag the tail of your business dog.  It is a troubling process.

When the tail wags the dog, the business model cannot win.  It will not win.  Your methods must be changed.  your efforts must retreat.  Your knowledge base must be altered.  What you currently know about what to do is damaged too much to repair what needs to be done correctly.  Your villain is hiding its face in the mirror on your own bathroom wall.  I usually find my same villain in the same place.  That distraction to success is always facing me when I look into my own mirror.  I suspect honestly that you may find the same location for the villain that is holding up your permanent patterns to succeed.  Trust me, it ain't nobody else who is at fault!

That kind of truth is often hard to accept.  Just because it is not popular does not mean it is not true.  Just because it does not stomach very well does not mean it is not true.  Just because we do a good job of disguising this truth from ourselves does not mean it does not exist.  The truth always remains the truth...whether we accept it or not.  Gravity still works even when we deny its existence.

In the end, success is personal and it is also very particular.  It does not happen casually and without effort.  Permanent patterns of success do not come to those who happen upon it.  Do not believe otherwise.  You will only be fooled into producing more results on the wrong side of your business success desires.  You will then learn creative ways on how to avoid looking into your bathroom mirror.  You will not want to see that villain.  Success is personal and particular.  Let's see why!

We all know how personal success can become.  That is exactly why we do the things that we do.  Whether or not we do the right things to produce better patterns of permanent success, we do those things because they are personal to us.  We take all of our work personally.  It is a personal thing to go to work and do the stuff we decide to do.  It is personal.  We all know and recognize this simple truth.  We do not need a classic seminar on this lesson.  It is clear to all of us.

However, the lesson we seem best to avoid is the lesson on "particular".  We seem to avoid learning how particular success can be.  We seem to avoid changing our 'personal' ways to do the 'particular' things that help to insure success patterns and routine success methods.  We stick closer to the personal wants and desires and work overtime on avoiding spent energies on workable changes that produce better results.  We take those needed changes too personal and demand that we remain closer to our personal desires, instead of ratifying how we do what we do.  We remain lost.  We avoid admitting it.  We work overtime on creating wonderful levels of deceptive desires that work wonders on hiding how we avoid doing the things we need to do to ensure success.  We are masters at this kind of work.  Our minds sell this concept very well to the most important buyer...ourselves.

As a result, success becomes very personal.  And since we demand to remain in our own personal ways...failure then becomes very personal.  We protect our failure ways with all of our might.  It becomes very personal.  How dare someone tell me any different!  They are fools!  I am right and I am serious about being right.  Even when I am wrong!  It becomes very personal.

I know this is true but I am not willing to change how I feel about it.  My personal well-being is at risk if I admit I am the reason for the failures in my business life!  That is too personal for me to address.  Therefore, I will gloss over this truth with some wonderfully created beliefs and cognition's that will help me to escape being the villain in the mirror.  In fact, I will easily find enough evidence to use as support for this kind of high level personal protection.  I will become deeply involved, convinced and a solid advocate to remain stuck in my personal ways until my success is driven completely off the charts of success forever!  Sound familiar?

Success is very personal.  That is the main reason why it is so hard to produce.

Unfortunately, success is also very particular.  It could not give a hoot about your personal desires.  It cares not about what you believe.  Your personal desires matter very little to the very particular rules of the business road to success.  It could not give tinkers damn.  That is the real truth about success in business.  Your personal desires carry very little influence in the way things will successfully turn out.  If your personal desires rub against the rules of business demands, your model will not produce the kind of success that it should and could experience.  That is the bone honest truth.  You will not get lucky long enough to make it matter permanently!  Success is very particular.

If you have been struggling with the numbers of your business model, quit trying to do it your personal way.  You are killing that business chance for producing long term, permanent success.  It is truly your fault.  Wear that truth with respect.  Until then, you will never be able to experience what it feels like to manage a long term successful business model.  You will only remain left to manage how your mind accepts what it can create in the deception department to please what the bottom line cannot produce.  This is the gut honest truth millions of business leaders current manage.  They have taken this project of success too personal to become properly particular enough to really make that model produce what it truly can.  They know this is true but remain closed in the mind, personally, to properly affect the kinds of change that respects the level of 'particular' that success demands.

Success is personal and particular.

Until next time...

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