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It Does Not Matter Where They Come From. |
I also jump to surgery when it is necessary. I am not afraid of getting something repaired or cut out that does not need to be there. Most people I know will worry a great deal about going under the knife for some kind of necessary repair work. Not me, let's get going so I can get back to work. That is more like how I treat the need for some surgery. Let's go, let's get it over with and get repaired as fast as we can get it done. My body repairs very fast, too. I do not have time to lay around and recover from surgery work. However, if the Doc says I need to stay in bed for three days, I stay in bed for three days. I am not happy about it but I want the repair to work correctly so I do not inadvertently turn three days into a cheated repair and end up spending four more days catching up on the repairs I cheated. Three days laying down is not good, but it beats seven days. I like to follow the rules when it comes to body repair. The body is a serious piece of important machinery. Let's get it running well. We need it to hum in good shape.
I have not spent much time in my life seeing doctors. I have been blessed in that way. I have had cancer removed two times and some minor surgery on another ailment that cropped up. Otherwise, my body has run well and rarely sees a day of sickness. I am approaching sixty years old and at last check, which was recently, everything shows that it is operating better than it should. My business mentor told me that this is the time in our life that we need to increase paying attention to how well we preserve the health of our bodies. We are coming down the backside of our productive world and will want to see more time spent on the fruits of our life efforts. Good health will help us perform that next step on our life trail. He advises that we work closer with eating properly, exercising properly and getting enough rest to restore our body and energy. It is not a bad idea. My wife and I date more often now than we did in the peak productive part of our life cycle. I like the idea that our health can properly support the things we like to do. We work hard on our diets, our rest and our personal walking activities. Good health is not an accident.
Did you know the same holds true for our economy? I do not rely upon my government to manage my body and the process my body uses to remain in good shape and to manage good health. I take care of that part. I do not become dependent upon someone else to run that part of my life. I do not turn my body over to a government to expect it to manage what I eat, how I exercise and how much I give to the value of rest. The management of my health is my responsibility to find success, not the governments duty. In my business world, I operate my business model the same way that I operate my body and its respect for good health. I do not expect the government to produce my success. My business models will succeed regardless of how badly the government manages its business affairs. If the government decides to destroy the health of its body, that is its choice, not mine. If the government decides to ruin the process of its business affairs, that is its choice, not mine. I do not need to follow suit. I work my health and my business affairs to do the things that help my environment find ways to win. I do not wait for them to get it together. The economy is way off course, I know that. However, I make sure my business models do not do the same thing.
I need to manage success, not failure. I know I must endure the failing process of our economy, but it has nothing to do with how I must manage success. I have a responsibility to manage success in my life of health. I have that same responsibility to manage success in the life of my business world. I do not shift that responsibility to a failing government model. I meet many business owners who get terribly wrapped up with decisions of failure when they rely upon the government to supply their success components. I think they suffer more failure as a result of it. I refuse to play ball that way. My business models do not deserve that kind of treatment. They deserve to be successful. That is why I work to help them succeed. Success can come to life in this economy...and does. If you are one of those who is asking the question, when will we see a turn around in the economy...ask Target how they over sold a monster new line of products in just two days? The Target Company found embarrassment recently for over-selling the manufacturer's full product production of a new 'coordinated' line of products. They must contact every single customer who ordered the product that will not be able to receive it because they did not have enough of it to deliver. Ask Target when will the economy turn around. They have a different view of that question.
Success is what you learn how to make of it. Target did not rely on the government to figure out how to end this ugly economic slide we are experiencing. They work on producing success despite of it all. So should you and your business model. There are countless people producing successful results in their business models. Make sure you are one of them. Quit waiting for the government to get its act together. It is not doing the right stuff at the right time in the right speed at the right respect. Give up waiting for them to get it together and go back to work on succeeding anyway. Target's recent over-sold crash proves that enough can be done to make success happen. I like Target's problem better than the one others are suffering through. I try to make the same problem Target found. How about you and your business model?
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Good Ideas Are Everywhere. |
If you walked right by the Target story and did not take a serious look at how they did it, you do not know how to find the components to success. You believe way too strongly that success is part of luck and the economy. These are two elements that I despise to use in my business plans. They do not appear on the pages of the plans I write. I do not include the economy nor the luck of the draw as part of my planned efforts to make success happen. Neither should you. I do, however, find how others have made it happen successfully and try to emulate the same kinds of things they found and i discover ways to inject them into my business models. I do not need to re-invent the success world. I usually leave that part to people who are a lot smarter than me. I just copy what they did to succeed. I like to succeed quicker and more often, that's all. I use what seems to work now, not later. I find ways to modify what I am doing to match up with the things that others are doing well. It is not rocket science. I do not need to go get a PHD in rocket science before I succeed. All I need to do is become willing to adjust to the things that somehow find success in the markets I manage. Most of the time, those things succeed. I watch how others spend too much time sitting back to complain how the economy sucks. I actually like that process. That means my competition is not out there trying to figure it out. I have less to worry about when my competition is waiting for the government to get the economy going again. In the mean time, my economy is humming right along. I prefer them to wait for ever.
Target did not wait. There are thousands of Targets out there performing in a successful way. All of those who are succeeding right now are not waiting for the economy to turn around. They are taking the health of their own business model more seriously and doing some surgery to make the body of their business model perform better. Get going on the surgery of your business model. Quit waiting for the economy to turn around. It ain't. Fix what is not working in your model. Repair the parts that are broken in your model. Design the work that will lead to better success. Get out of the complaining mode and begin to manage what comes in successfully. Take a closer look at what others are doing that is proving to perform well. Make sure you understand why those things are doing so well. Get the bigger picture of what makes those successful things happen. Do not try to short cut success when you find it. Do exactly the same things they included in the process they used to find the success they found. Quit worrying about who came up with the ideas or patterns of connections that produces success. Just make sure you produce success. It does not need to be your ideas that do the successful work. In my business life, none of my ideas did very well. I just made sure my business models did well. All of them are solvent. Al of them produce profit. None of them do any of my 'good' ideas. This is a major tip, please pay close attention to it. Just learn how to go do what the Target's of the world are doing to succeed. Copy what works and get over it.
Once in a long while, I discover something that worked well. Once in a long while one of my ideas came to the surface and produced success. I like it when that happens. However, I like it more that my business models walk their business life in a very healthy state of existence. When I need to introduce one of my good ideas I have the ability to produce and support it. The models that are successful in today's economy are the ones that do the successful stuff. They are not the models that are sitting back waiting for the government to repair the economy that is so hard to manage. The lack of your business success is not the governments fault. Accept this truth and get on with finding what works and copying it until it dies. Keep looking for the stories on how the Targets of the world found success. Examine what they did and copy how they did it. Get serious. Learn how to get over your own ego and begin doing the things that work. I give Target the credit when that stuff is working for me. I do not care. I just like making better deposits.
Where is your mind going right now? Is it challenged by this kind of attitude? Go build a better business model. Learn how to do the things that others are doing to succeed. I do not think we are going to see the economy turn around for a while longer. In the meantime, I need to get back to work on succeeding. Who knows, this may very well be the best time to begin our own business recovery. I am not certain, but the bottom to this rotten economy may be nearing its drop. I think it might be time to get going on building sales growth. It is early, certainly, but it may be the prime time to begin the run. Those of you in the position to fund that run, go ahead, get going. You will find yourself well ahead of the growth curve. That is the perfect spot to operate your business models. Copy what works and get going. I think you will discover how good this timing really is.
Until next time...
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