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Do Not Believe This Lie! |
Leaders make more money. That is the way money works. Money has some laws that just do not find many ways to get broken. Money laws are money laws. They work like gravity. We do not always think about how gravity works. We just trust that it will hold us to the ground while we walk. In fact, scientists really do not know how gravity works, specifically. We can only prove that the greater the mass the stronger the pull. Money is a lot the same. The greater the leader the stronger the dough.
Money rarely violates some of its pure laws. Most people walk this world and do not pay attention to how money works. If you walked up to a stranger and asked them who makes more money, not one would say, "A leader makes more money." Even though we like to be correct when we speak, even though we want to have the right answer, even though the truth is the truth, most would not be able to get the answer to this question right. Leaders make more money.
I have not met many people who do not want to make more money. In fact, most wished they were getting paid more for what they are doing. The problem might be in the level of leadership they are producing. If the level of leadership is not very high, neither is their income. It is one of the laws of money. Just because nobody ever told them how it works does not mean they get to be immune from those laws. With or without that knowledge the laws of money will remain in place. Leaders always make more money. It is one of the laws of money.
Go visit a place of business and find out who leads the way of that business. Then check out who helps the leader make that business happen by following what they are hired to do, the follower. After comparing the two, measure who makes more money between the two workers...the leader or the follower. It will always be the leader.
So why don't people who want to make more money learn how to become a better leader? Because they want their cake and eat it too. The sour part of that trip is that money does not care what they want, it only follows the laws it makes. Millions of workers do not get this truth down very well. They spend their whole life grinding away at a truth they just cannot seem to accept. The result remains...they will not make more money....ever. Followers are in abundance. They will even try to get organized to rally together to demand more money. The only ones who win that game are the leaders of the union, or the leaders of the organized group. Same law, same result. Followers never seem to get it. They want results that they do not want to earn. We all know that leadership comes with a price. Followers do not want to pay that price. Hence, lower income.
If you are a follower and you do not like what you are earning, start working to improve your leadership skills. Increasing your income will not happen if you remain a follower. Leaders make more money. Get familiar with this simple law of money and start working to honor it instead of ignoring it. It is not a law that will go away some day. It will remain long after you are gone. It is a law of money that will not 'skip over' you and honor some form of violation to give you more than your leadership is worth. You ain't getting paid more for the level of leadership you produce. If you want to earn more money doing what you are doing, you will need to learn how to improve the production of your leadership. Otherwise, give it up, it ain't going to happen.
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Those With The Largest Audience, Followers, Earn The Most Money! |
I love workers who go to their boss and demand more money. They simply do not understand how money works. What's more, they do not even know they are admitting it to their boss and cannot figure out why they are getting treated so poorly because of it. It is an amazing process to watch. Some of the readers of this blog are likely guilty of that silly process. Making more money only honors those who develop better leadership skills. Those are the people who earn more money. It has always been that way. Your boss makes more money than you and will always make more money than you, as long as he attracts more followers than you. The exceptions to that rule will eventually disappear.
The star quarterback makes more money that the coach, that is true. The top salesman of a commissioned company makes more money than the district manager who is his boss, that is true. Jet airplanes also defy gravity. Jets can break away from the pull of the ground. That does not mean gravity has been violated. Gravity is still in place and it still works exactly like it used to work. Leaders still make more money. The law of money still remains. The only way a jet airplane can break away from the laws of gravity is to use stronger laws of the universe to overcome the pull of gravity. The same holds true with money. The reason why a star quarterback can make more money than his coach is because he uses a stronger law of money to overcome the leadership rule of money. The star quarterback has developed the skill to attract more followers of support than what the coach can generate. The increased followers of support become the future customers of the team. The star quarterback attracts more of them than the coach brings in. Hence, bigger leadership. Bigger audience. Larger group. More followers. Bigger bucks.
You cannot violate this law. Leaders make more money.
How are your leadership skills working out for you? Do they need some work and repairs? Do they need some levels of improvement? Do they even care to get going? If not, accept what you are getting paid to do right now and consider it the most you might be able to earn producing what you currently produce. If your leadership skills are not on the improvement path, neither is your income. Quit teasing yourself. This is exactly how money works. It has nothing to do with your boss and his attitude. Leaders make more money. It simply cannot be put in any other way. Quit blaming your boss and learn how to attract more followers. Build the skills to improve how you can attract more followers. More followers will help you to earn more money. Ten followers will pay what ten followers can afford to pay. A million followers will pay what a million followers can afford to pay. That is how it works. Lead ten or lead a million, you get to decide. Your income will follow what you decide to do. Don't get faked out. Leaders make more money.
Until next time...
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